About Us

Our company’s vision and precise mission is to provide high quality medicines at affordable price. Thus serving to mankind will be accomplished.

We have started our journey way back in the year 2000,with a moto to improve the quality of life of the patients.

Keeping that at the core of our mind we were able to introduce various therapeutic solutions with the process of the time which includes:

Antioxidants, Enzyme, Vitamins, Anti-rheumatics, Anti-allergics, Leukotriene Inhibitiors, Bronchodialators, Proton pump Inhibitors,Anti-ulcerants, Laxatives, Nerve re-generators, Protein powder supplements ,Hematinic, Cardio-protectives like Omega 3 fatty acid, PEA-an analgesics and anti-inflammatory, Neuro-protective,immunomodulatory drugs.

One of our main strength is niche marketing to meet the need of the Hour, backed by very experienced marketing team.

We used to manufacture our products mainly from cGMP companies/Factories of Solan (HP), Yannum(Puduchery-UT),Hyderabad and West Bengal.who also produces products for number of Indian Pharma companies as well as different MNCs.

We are proud to maintain our gold standards and high success rate with any competitive brands since the day of inception. As we have a promise to ourselves to bring back your precious smile.